Bill Robb

Learn more about Bill Robb

Head of Home Loans

  • Nickname Probably just Billy, but I do often get called Robb or Robbo (Due to the first and last name confusion).
  • Time in the industry 26 Years.
  • Fun fact or something nobody knows about you I don't mind a bit of karaoke (I'm not very good though, so don't ask me to sing!).
  • Hobbies A few bets on the Gee Gee's on a Saturday, and walking the dog.
  • The best advice you have been given Treat people the way you would expect to be treated.
  • Favourite song Sweet Caroline (Karaoke classic).
  • Dream holiday destination Fiji and Las Vegas.
  • The one thing you can't live without Family.
  • What song reflects your personality Tubthumping by Chumbawumba.
  • Finish the sentence.... As a child I always Respected what my parents would say.
  • If you had a super power what would it be To see in to the future. It would be pretty cool, especially on a Saturday morning before the races kick off for the day.

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